Ilpalazzo Aspiring manga-ka and telesales whore, dreams that one day someone will actually pay him to be a professional drunk and commit hideous acts of violence against boy bands. Lives with housemates Shoestring and Mako. |
Mako Solemnly vowed never to live with anything ginger after being savaged by a pack of hamsters at the age of four. So after awaking from a four week graduation party induced alcoholic coma Mako was somewhat shocked to discover he had moved in with Ilpalazzo. Current Status unknown after a brutal in comic beating. |
Shoestring A man of few words and even fewer morals, his overpowering hatred of all humanity is somewhat counter balanced by his unholy obsession over an obscure 1970's TV show set in Bristol about a slightly insane radio host moonlighting as a private detective. Prolonged exposure to Shoestring has been known to cause cancer. |
Steve Demon from the depths of hell, ended up living with Ilpalazzo, Mako and Shoestring after coming through a hell portal created in their toilet due to the "after effects" of a chilli eating contest. Moonlights as a lawyer.
Max Von Bek Persistant mythical beast pest control expert and older brother of Goldrick Golderson. |
Goldrick Golderson Mythical beast pest control expert and Max Von Beks younger brother. |
Felflowne Friend of Max Von Bek and Goldrick Golderson, works in a local bar. Known to register violent displeasure when addressed as "Boobylicious" |
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